Dinner Lady Fruits 50ml immediately grabbed the attention and tastebuds of vapers around the world. Creating premium e-liquids with incredible flavours, Dinner Lady prides itself on helping smokers transition from harmful cigarettes to vaping. Available in 70% VG, 30% PG 50ml of e-liquid in a 60ml Short-fill Bottle.
Melon Twist: Melon Twist - Juicy watermelon is fused with tart kiwi
Pink Wave: A strawberry combined with juicy orange and with creamy coconut.
Berry Blast: A mixture of juicy raspberry, tart blueberry, and sweet cherry
Purple Rain: Blackcurrant and bittersweet blueberry with sweet raspberry and zesty orange.
Tropical Fruit: A mixture of pineapple, sweet guava and smooth cream complement throughout.
Pink Berry: A fruit blend fused with a citrus twang. A selection of ripe-tasting mixed berries is countered by zesty citrus.
50ml of e-liquid in a 60ml Shortfill Bottle
Space For a 10ml Nic Shot
70% VG / 30% PG
Designed for Vaping
Made in the UK
Childproof Cap